Signing up for the MoverM team wasn’t a hard decision for me because I knew that with Aubrie on my side, my goals were possible. This wasn’t my first time working with her either so trust me when I say I knew what I was getting into and I can’t begin to describe how lucky I feel that I’ve gotten involved with Aubrie and Brad and that they have shared their fitness and macro knowledge with me. I have struggled since the birth of my daughter 6 years ago to get my stomach to tighten up and I can say that I’m FINALLY seeing results. And added bonus, my body has become so toned and I’m seeing muscle where I once had zero definition. I originally signed up to look a little better but in the process, I have developed a whole new love for working out and watching my body transform into something I’m so very proud of!! Aubrie also provides a social group for all of us on this journey and I can’t begin to explain how supportive the people you go through these 6 weeks are or how much you will love sharing the experience and watching everyone else succeed at their goals too.